Oracle of Consciousness
# 15 - Becoming More

Becoming more conscious.
What does that mean?
In a way, it's a bit of a misnomer because we ARE already consciousness.
That is to say, we are something way grander than just our body, mind and emotions, along with our life story.
We are consciousness; everyone and everything has consciousness as its foundation.
And consciousness manifests as everything that we see, touch, smell, hear, taste and intuit with our earthly bodies.
Everything that exists, is the outward manifestation of consciousness.

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash
All is

In order to play the game of life, we had to forget that we are consciousness. Otherwise we would know exactly what would happen in the next moment, and the next and the next.
That would be no fun.
The same consciousness that abounds everywhere, and is in everything as one element, is sometimes termed Oneness.
But the moment we label it, it is not that, for how can we constrict something that is infinite into a label?
In simple terms, becoming more conscious means that we become:
Aware of our own Awareness,
consciousness of our own Consciousness.
"Love is the whole thing,
we are only pieces,
love is the sea of no end,
we are a drop of it."

Consciousness and Love
are synonyms!

Surely if becoming more conscious is the solution, then it begets the questions:
Who or what are we?
Who am I?
What is the nature of the Universe?
Where do I fit into this picture?
And how do I get there?

One path is to become mindful.
That is not a full mind, which is what many of us experience. The 'monkey mind' is full of chatter, but mindfulness is to be aware of what we're doing, when we're doing it.
If we are brushing our teeth, be aware of the taste of the toothpaste, the bristles upon your teeth and gums. Just being aware of what is happening through your five senses and the sixth sense of intuition.
We need to practice, because the ego mind will want to push us into the future, or drag us back into the past.
Be aware that the ego mind is designed to take us out of Present Time.
That is why we have to be mindful in every moment, so we remain present, accessing the consciousness that is already there in every point in time.

Be present to access Consciousness
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness
that created it."
Albert Einstein

New Beginnings
The more we focus on our experiences, what we are doing, the more we practice being in present time through being mindful, we become aware of the quality of our thoughts, the level of our emotions and physical sensations.
Just be with whatever is arising out of this consciousness at this moment.
It may sound easy on paper, but it will take some dedicated practice.
Then we will get to experience this presence, this consciousness that we are, and this is our journey.

We are remembering, becoming a member again of this body of consciousness, this infinite expanse that has no beginning and no end.
Consciousness is not tangible, you can't see it, but you can see the manifestations that arise out of it.
We have to be aware of what is being manifested out of this consciousness and focus our attention on that which is ever-present, was never born and will never die.
What an extraordinary game.
What sort of intelligence has created this game?
Is this a divine blueprint unfolding?
Now that's something to contemplate!